Career coaching is BACK (only for September 2024)

As you may know, I served as an int’l ed/career pivot coach for many years. It was time for me to pivot, so I left it to pursue Melibee Global Speakers several years ago. I still receive many requests for hourly sessions on everything from compensation negotiation, interviewing, cover/resume letters, to exploring a major shift – a career pivot.

I typically have to say no to these requests.

However, for the month of September, I have decided to open up my calendar for individual and small group (up to three people) sessions. Why? The world of work is constantly changing and with so much disruption and uncertainty with the upcoming election, I realize how much support job seekers and workers need.

If you are interested in a customized coaching session, please contact me at missy(at) or via this contact form and we will discuss your needs and my hourly rate. If you know one to two other people who would like a small group session, please discuss it with them and let me know, too.

I have helped hundreds of people seriously up their income, change careers, and have less stress/more joy in their pursuit of pursposeful work. I’m excited to be back for a very short window to support you, too.


Missy Gluckmann