Category: Repatriation

Re-entry: Problems and Solutions

#ReentryProblems - This is the Twitter hashtag that our Melibee interns insisted we use to get the word out about a new re-entry tool we're creating. Because re-entry problems exist and as educators we do our best to address them through gatherings, conferences and one on one mentoring. But we're busy...really busy. So, Melibee Global spent the better part of the spring and summer mulling over this topic. We asked ourselves how we could support educators who had little time to creatively address re-entry.

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Demystifying the Other: Tools for International Educators

Our session was described as follows: “Muslim”, “Israeli”, “African”, and “American” – the labels that we use to describe others come with heavy baggage and a tremendous burden.

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Interview with Carrie Wagner, Author of Village Wisdom (Part 1)

I didn't realize, until I met Carrie Wagner to interview her about her book "Village Wisdom: Immersed in Uganda, Inspired by Job, Changed for Life," that I have been following Carrie's international career for nearly two decades. While Carrie was in Uganda, I was a graduate intern in Lugano, Switzerland along with Carrie's childhood friend, Bonnie. Bonnie would receive Carrie's letters and would share stories about her friend's time in Uganda with Habitat for Humanity International.

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Reflections on Emergency Planning for Advisers of Study Abroad Students in Egypt

Egypt. It IS the news. But when you're a study abroad adviser who had sent students to Egypt for the spring semester, your mind is focused: Safety. Their safety. Comforting and advising parents. Working with the partner institutions abroad. Communication, even when there is no internet.

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