Married to a Muslim man in North Carolina, Katy is especially heartbroken by the murders of three precious lives in Chapel Hill this week. Here are her reflections...

Married to a Muslim man in North Carolina, Katy is especially heartbroken by the murders of three precious lives in Chapel Hill this week. Here are her reflections...
When you get slapped in the face, is it possible to find compassion?
A new Muslim mom juggles baby and Ramadan...
Kickiing off the Ramadan guest blog post series ...
I had the pleasure of participating in a radio interview with Arnd Wächter and Dr. David Owusu-Ansah on Tom Graham's "Virginia Insight"show.
Our session was described as follows: “Muslim”, “Israeli”, “African”, and “American” – the labels that we use to describe others come with heavy baggage and a tremendous burden.
A press release from Park 51 announced that Imam Fiesal Abdul Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan, will no longer be speaking on the organization's behalf. Imam Fiesal will begin his personal speaking tour next week. He and Ms. Khan will also not be raising funds for the project on this speaking tour.
Moving words by Imam Fiesal Abdul Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan, regarding the goals of Park 51, New York City's proposed Islamic Center.
I heard an interesting interview with Michel Abboud, the architect for the proposed Islamic cultural center known at Park 51. (I suppose we could also call it "the Islamic cultural center formerly known as the Cordoba House and incorrectly called the World Trade Center mosque.)
The 9th anniversary of 9/11 - an opinion from a New Yorker and international educator.
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