Melibee Global's founder shares her thoughts on the violence at the Boston Marathon...

Melibee Global's founder shares her thoughts on the violence at the Boston Marathon...
The holidays are here. Here are Melibee's reflections for 2012. It has been an incredible year...
Ten years ago. TEN. Blue skies. Slightly crisp air. A normal day. At home, on hold for a tri-regional conference call with the TV on. News reports a plane hit the towers. I saw and thought, immediately, that is NOT an accident. When you’re from New York, you know that you can’t hit the towers or any other building by accident. You typically fly up one of the rivers, high above the city, but close enough that you can easily identify the towering buildings. But no, you can’t accidentally hit one. Not possible.
The news is jaw dropping. It is raw, huge. It fills the room, the country, the world. Osama bin-Laden is dead. I wrote a blog post just a few days ago about teachable moments with the tenth anniversary of 9/11 in mind.
This is a tough post for me to write. It is nearly impossible to imagine that it has been a decade since the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, made a surprise appearance at TED Women in Washington DC this past week. Her talk was about the role of women and girls in diplomacy, security and peace. (TED Women is an extension of the not for profit TED, which brings people together to share revolutionary ideas.)
The 9th anniversary of 9/11 - an opinion from a New Yorker and international educator.
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