Category: Intercultural Books

Edward T. Hall’s Life of Culture

Edward T. Hall was simply the guru of culture. This man's life work is the foundation of many international education and intercultural programs today - and deservedly so.

"An Anthropology of an Every Day Life" was written by Hall to document the first fifty years of his remarkable life. It is a fascinating read in that we get to observe an anthropologist in the making - commenting, through his unique lens, about his own journey and why he turned out the way he did.

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Cultural Perspectives on Female Maids in India

"Sideways on a Scooter" by American journalist Miranda Kennedy is about the complex relationships between women in India. Shortly after completing this book, I watched "Lakshmi and Me," a PBS documentary about filmmaker Nishtha Jain and her relationship with her young maid, Lakshmi.

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Give With Gratitude: Senegalese Lessons for International Educators

Jerejef to Katie Kreueger. Jerejef is a Wolof word for thank you. Wolof is a Senegalese language used by an ethnic group with the same name and it describes how I felt after reading Katie's book, "Give With Gratitude: Lessons Learned Listening to West Africa."

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