Online Global Education Book Club: “Village Wisdom”

Melibee Global is launching its first, FREE, online book club, on November 10th at 3 pm EST. Our first book will be Carrie Wagner’s “Village Wisdom: Immersed in Uganda, Inspired by Job, Changed for Life.”

There are 3 easy steps to participate:

1) Purchase the “Village Wisdom” book and read it before November 10th.  The book has a lot of beautiful photos, so it is a faster read than you may think. Carrie is kindly offering a 30% discount off the book (PDF and ebook versions.) Use the discount code: “Melibee.” If you individually purchase the hard copy (vs. the ebook), Carrie will autograph the book for you too! (Note: Melibee does not receive any revenue from book sales.)

2) If you work at a high school, college/university or other organization, book a meeting room and make this a public event. You’ll simply need a computer, internet access, screen and someone who can type questions and comments into the chat room.  Announce this event as part of International Education Week and be sure to open it up to the local community too! High schools and colleges should feel free to partner together on this also.

3) On November 10th, just prior to 3pm, open up this webpage(Please note, we are using “Livestream” which means that an ad will play when you visit this website. This helps to keep this event FREE, so thanks for your understanding.  I have no control over the ads, which include a pop up ad at the bottom of the screen which you can close, but it shouldn’t be too intrusive.) Then sign into the chat space (on that same page, just right of the video) so that you can discuss the book amongst yourselves and so that you can ask Carrie questions too!

Here is a trailer for the book!  We look forward to talking with you on November 10th!