This is an excellent opportunity for those of you who would like to learn more about using technology in an international educational setting. This is a SUNY conference – SUNY is the State University of New York, the largest state educational system in the United States:
The SUNY Center for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) 3rd Conference titled:
Collaboration and Technology in International Online Learning Environments –Constructing a New Paradigm
March 31-April 1, 2011
SUNY Global Center, 116 E. 55th St. New York, NY (USA)
This conference will provide a rich overview of the developing field of globally networked learning by bringing practitioners from SUNY and from around the world to share their experiences and innovative models with an audience of both SUNY and non-SUNY participants.
For many university campuses, broad internationalization of the curriculum is a goal that has been hard to achieve. However, since its inception in 2006, the SUNY COIL Center has been working directly with faculty to enhance their courses by embedding collaborations with international partners into their classrooms through online linkages.
The conference agenda includes sessions focused on the application of educational technology to internationalization and to globally networked learning – for faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, international programs staff, instructional technology staff and upper level university administrators.
Please join us for an engaging, and lively series of presentations and discussions on international online learning environments. Space is limited; register early.
Here is additional information about the conference.
Register for the conference here:
Register Now (only 90 spaces available) :
EARLY BIRD! (Before February 1, 2011)
SUNY – $145
Non-SUNY – $235
After February 1, 2011, registration costs will go up to:
SUNY $175
Non-SUNY $275
The COIL Center has arranged the special rate of $115/night at the four-star Holiday Inn Manhattan View, just one subway stop away in Long Island City. A link to this hotel can be found on the conference registration web site.
Special Note: To further facilitate the development of international course collaborations across the United States and abroad, The COIL Center will be offering in fall, 2011, an Institute on Globally Networked Learning, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. We will hold a special session at the conference giving an overview of the Institute, where we will provide guidance to applicants, as participation in the institute will be competitive. Applications will be due April 27, 2011.
Questions? Email Melanie Wilson at: