I hinted that there would be a BIG surprise waiting for you in the new year!
It is finally time to reveal the newest member of the Melibee team – our son, Hudson!
(We have also added some outstanding new ADULT bees to our hive – they will be revealed soon! Announcing their fabulosity takes a bit more planning!)
You may know that my husband, Tony, and I have been seeking an open adoption for several years. As the universe often loves to do, it surprised us with a phone call from a local adoption attorney. Hudson’s incredible birth mother is a young woman that we feel tremendous love and respect for – and we are so very grateful that she selected us to raise her beautiful baby boy. She is part of his life (hence the “open” in “open adoption”) and she will always be, as far as we are concerned! Hudson was born at our local hospital in early December and I am grateful to have been invited into the room for his delivery. Talk about magic! A woman’s body not only has the ability to give life, but the journey of bringing a little one into our world is about the most incredible sojourn one can witness firsthand (and I’m sure experiencing it is even beyond what I can come up with for words)! It still brings tears to my eyes to have blessed to witness the determination, strength and focus that his incredible birth mom had in those moments of physical pain to bring this precious little gift into the world.

Hudson is a month old today. The joy he has brought into all of our lives (not only our family and his birth mom, but everyone who has met him) is immeasurable. We call him our little Buddah because he is truly our teacher. We are gifted with imaging the world through his eyes, experiencing his little baby language (verbals and non-verbals), working around his schedule (till all hours of the night!) and trusting in this incredible journey he is taking us on.
Needless to say, he has already inspired dozens of new ideas for the hive for 2015. Fittingly, we deem this:
The Year of the <Baby> Bee – Seeing our World through New Eyes.
Our work this year will certainly be heavily influenced by this little guy and the theme he has created as part of our daily lives. While we always work at the hive to see things through other lenses, Hudson is taking it to a completely new level.

And for those of you who are wondering, Hudson is named for the Hudson River in New York -where Tony and I met. He is also named for the explorer, Henry Hudson, as we always want our son to have a sense of adventure and discovery through travel.
Stay tuned for new projects, sessions, blog posts and speaking engagements inspired by our littlest bee! (And thanks for your patience as I attempt to Melibee and Mommy the littlest bee at the same time!)