New Eyes: Travel Changing Perspectives *Yoga*

neweyesserieslogoHere is the latest contribution to our #neweyestravel series – an image and a few words to illustrate how travel helps us to see the world with new eyes.



While traveling, I have gained a #NewEyesTravel perspective through yoga. I have learned that no matter where we practice yoga in the world, we will experience similar (if not the same) yoga poses. I was comforted by this realization when I took a floating yoga class in Hawaii for the first time on a paddle board. I was also comforted while doing yoga on the rooftop of the Cariari Bed and Breakfast in Costa Rica, which was my first experience taking a yoga class in Spanish. While I was in a completely different country and communicating in my second language, the course provided the same physical and spiritual benefits. Yoga reminds us that we can all be united in spirituality.


BrittanyVdBAbout the Author: As a sustainability consulting analyst, Brittany is passionate about finding the intersection of business strategy and sustainability. When not working in sustainability consulting, you will find her exploring communities near and far for international inspiration. She is fluent in Spanish and enjoys traveling the world and learning about cultures. She has studied and traveled throughout North America, South America, and Europe, appreciating and learning from each new place and person. She captures these inspirations in her InspirNational blog, which provides readers with international inspiration in their everyday lives. She helps others develop a similar appreciation by volunteer teaching English as a Second Language and United States culture to Latin Americans at El Barrio Workforce Development Center in Cleveland. Her vision is to have the greatest positive impact on the world as possible, through business, writing, travel, education, and community engagement. You can find her on Twitter @brittanyvb or Facebook.