Amplify Love, Dissipate Hate. These stickers were plastered near a firehouse near the site. I love that someone could still see the most important message of all despite the pain.

The 9/11 Memorial: Amplify Love, Dissipate Hate

I visited the 9/11 memorial this summer.  Finally.  It took a long time for me to feel “ready” to see this place after such tragedy in my beloved city.  Instead of writing about it in words, I will share photos of what I saw.  It was a quiet place, with the exception of the rushing water into the North and South pools. I hope to share that atmosphere with you.

Amplify Love, Dissipate Hate. These stickers were plastered near a firehouse near the site. I love that someone could still see the most important message of all despite the pain.

The sign illustrates how to find victims’ names on the perimeter of the two pools. These reflect where the victims were and the relationships they shared with others who died that day.

The Freedom Tower and other buildings rising into the Manhattan skyline.

Names on the perimeter of one of the pools. You cannot imagine how many names there are. It feels endless. The sound of the water masks the muffled tears falling down my face and around me.
This is the 9/11 museum – it won’t be ready until 2013 or 2014…depending on the politics in New York. It is meant to represent the rebuilding.
The water was soothing, despite the tears.


Tony and I shed a whole lot of tears during our visit, but it is something we needed to do. Tony had witnessed the attacks from his apartment in Brooklyn. It was not easy to be here after 11 years, but we felt it was important to remember all the people lost here and abroad. May they all rest in peace.

To learn more about the 9/11 memorial, visit the National September 11 Memorial and Museum website here.